Mixed use


26 acres




Boorley Green, Eastleigh

The opportunity / type:

1,400 dwellings – including new local centre with shops and employment uses, primary school, community building, sports and public open space facilities.


Boorley Green is set in the picturesque market village of Botley in Hampshire, providing an excellent setting with easy access to everything you need for family living.


Planning status:

Outline and reserved matters permissions granted approval with residential development under construction or complete in some parts of the wider site. Part of the employment allocation has been granted reserved matters approval. Development the employment floorspace is yet to commence as per latest monitoring information available.

Plot size & estimated employment floor space provision:

Plot size (ha)Plot size (acres)Floor space (sq. ft.)Floor space (sq. m)

Development considerations:

  • The employment provision will constitute the retention and expansion of the existing Braxells Farm employment area which is located next to the western boundary of the site adjacent Winchester Road.
  • The mixed use elements of the scheme including new employment buildings will be accommodated in 1-2 storey buildings, which will be sympathetic to the scale of the existing Braxells Farmhouse, Braxells employment complex, as well as the new residential accommodation to the east.
  • Employment along with other proposed uses which include retail and other private, non-residential uses will be introduced according to market demand which, in part, is likely to be driven by the completion of a critical mass of occupied homes on the development.


Local authority: Eastleigh Borough Council
Development address: North and East of Boorley Green, Winchester Road, Eastleigh


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