

8.9 Acres




Land South of Gordleton Industrial Estate, New Forest

The opportunity / type:

The site has reverted to grassland following cessation of the mineral/gravel workings.


Planning status:

The site has planning permission for B1, B2 and B8 Use Class Development.   The land immediately adjoining to the north is covered by two extant planning permissions 13/11033 and 16/10885 for B1, B2 and B8 Use Class Development.

Plot size & estimated employment floor space provision:

Plot size (ha) – 3.59
Plot size (acres) – 8.9
Floor space (sq. ft.) – 76,855
Floor space (sq. m) – 7,140

Development considerations:

Planning policy states the following constraints:

  • This site is in Green Belt which strongly meets the purposes of the Green Belt
  • The southern and western end of the site adjoins the National Park (A tree belt and landscape bund provides some screening)
  • Outside the defined built-up area.


Local authority: New Forest District Council
Development address: Gordleton Industrial Estate, Hannah Way, Lymington, SO41 8JD
Landowner: The Gordleton Family Trust

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