

6.9 ha






Interbridges West, Havant

The opportunity / type:

The employment site is entirely bounded by the A27 to the north and the Havant to Brighton and London Victoria railway to the south. It is largely a greenfield site which would be suitable for the development of road side services to complement the existing petrol filling station on-site and/or the development of a small-scale distribution / warehouse use (Class B8).


Planning status:

Interbridges West is proposed as a commercial allocation under Policy C9 in the Pre-Submission Draft Havant Borough Local Plan 2036.

Plot size & estimated employment floor space provision:

Plot size (ha) – 6.9
Plot size (acres) – 17.1

Development considerations: 

  • The site is closely related to the A27 and could be accessed via the existing service road for the BP petrol filling station.
  • The site lies to the south of the strategic housing allocation between Denvilles and Emsworth under Policy KP5 in the Pre-Submission Draft Havant Borough Local Plan 2036; some land within the boundary of Interbridges West may be required for the access arrangements to serve this site.
  • A very small part in the east of the site are lies in Flood Zones 2 and 3.
  • A pedestrian and cycle path (Havant Footpath 71) crosses the site, and runs under the A27 to connect north and south Emsworth.


Local authority: Havant Borough Council
Development address: A27, Emsworth, PO10 7BW

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