Land West of Crow Lane, New Forest
The opportunity / type:
This site forms one of the largest mixed use development schemes in the New Forest and when complete, will provide up to 175 new homes, general and light industrial floor space. Other employment uses, such as a 60 bed nursing home, along with 3.8 ha of new open space habitat mitigation and allotments. Mixed use development providing residential, employment, leisure, hotel and retail uses, along with allotments and new open space.
Located to the south east of Ringwood town in the New Forest, the site is within a 5 minute drive of the A31 and connects to the M27 and M3. To the west of the site there are neighbouring employment uses at Crow Arch Lane Industrial Estate.
Planning status:
Part of the site has outline planning permission for 175 dwellings, 1.5 ha of business (use class B1 industrial) floor space; a nursing home, child nursery (use class D1); hotel/pub/restaurant (use class C1); fitness centre (use class D2; retail, professional services/restaurant (use class A1/A2/A3, additional open space, allotments and new access and infrastructure. Permission was granted on 10th October 2014. The planning permission excludes 1.84 hectares of land to the south west of the site that is owned by Hampshire County Council, which has been identified to provide more general ‘B’ class employment (business, general industrial and storage & distribution uses).
A 3.48 acre site with planning consent for 46,500 sq ft of B1 industrial space has been sold to New Forest District Council.
Plot size and estimated floor space provision:
Use (total)
Plot size (ha) – 15.71
Plot size (acres) – 38.8
Use (employment)
Plot size (ha) – 5 13
Plot size (acres) – 12.4
Development considerations:
Planning policy states that this site shall be developed in accordance with the following site specific criteria:
- The residential development being located principally in the northern and eastern parts of the site adjoining the existing housing
- The employment development being located in the western and southern parts of the site, primarily adjoining Crow Arch Lane Industrial Estate and Hightown Industrial Estate
- Provision of an access road to serve employment uses south of Crow Arch Lane, through the site and the industrial land allocation east of Christchurch
- A full transport assessment outlining how any negative impacts upon the road network will be satisfactorily dealt with
- Appropriate transport contributions being paid towards any necessary transport improvements
- Retention and enhancement of the green route/cycleway on the route of the old railway line
- Provision of links to the proposed cycle route on Hightown Gardens to the north of the site and the proposed cycle route on the Castleman Trailway towards the south of the site, including links across the site
- Provision of appropriate landscape buffers between the employment and residential uses
- On-site provision of public open space (both formal and informal), including provision of children’s play space(s) located within the residential development
- Provision of required measures to mitigate the recreational impact of the development on European nature conservation sites, to include the provision on or close to the site of publicly accessible land designed to provide Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space (SANGS)
- Provision of land for a minimum of 15 full size allotment plots within the site order to provide for local needs arising from the development and in the wider community; and phasing of the development being agreed
- The site is within a Groundwater Vulnerability
- Parts of the site are susceptible to surface water and ground water
- The site is not located within any sites of national or international ecological
- The site is located within the Airport Safeguarding Zone for Bournemouth
- A public Right of Way runs through the middle and to the south of the site.