Nicholson Road, Isle of Wight
The opportunity / type:
The Isle of Wight Regeneration Programme is kick-starting, coordinating and managing a range of priority projects and work-streams aimed at driving regeneration and economic growth and delivering place making benefits to the council and the Isle of Wight. The Ryde Nicholson Road site is in the Regeneration Programme and has been identified as a key employment site for the Isle of Wight. This 14.6(Ha) site is located within one of the Island’s towns, Ryde, adjacent to a successful business park and accessible via ferry routes from Portsmouth.
The site is ideally located to fill the identified market gap for light-industrial, industrial and office employment space. To fulfil market demand, the council has identified the opportunity to work with development partners, in terms of master-planning and delivery, and prospective tenants to provide employment space. There is an opportunity for the council to unlock the development through a mix of delivery models. By providing space for start-ups and existing businesses to expand the council would be playing a key role in supporting economic growth.
The site lies approximately 1.6km from Ryde town centre on the east coast of the Isle of Wight adjacent to the existing Ryde Business Park and close to vehicle and fast ferry terminals.
Planning status:
The site is allocated as a key employment site in the Island Plan Core Strategy (2012). Following a master planning exercise, two planning applications were approved at Planning Committee on the 22nd September 2020 and are available online. Outline for mixed use community hub and business park comprising retail (A1), restaurant/cafe (A3), dwellings (C3), GP surgery (D1), leisure (D2), business (B1), general industrial (B2); formation of vehicular access. Along with a detailed proposal for the infrastructure works in connection with outline application.
Indicative Unit Areas (Land Use / Area (m2)
- A1 Retail – 299
- A3 Cafe – 120
- B1 (a) Office – 4,746
- B1 (b & c) Business Park – 5,072
- B2 General Industry – 14,638
- C3 Residential – 15 Dwellings
- D1 Health – 1,216
- D2 Community – 869
Development considerations:
- The site requires investment in basic infrastructure such as roads and utility connections, although road access, through the existing business park will support the initial phases of development.
- The Local Planning Authority (LPA) and experts consider that the mineral safeguarding area on the site should not impact on the development of the site.
Local authority: Isle of Wight Council
Development address: Ryde, Isle of Wight