Port Solent, Portsmouth
The expansion of the existing site at Port Solent has significant potential to regenerate Portsmouth’s northern gateway and complement the proposals at Tipner and Horsea Island. The overall vision is to create a sustainable mixed use development providing housing, employment, a country park, community facilities and improved access to public transport links.
The site is located to the North West of Portsmouth city centre and is north of Tipner and Horsea Island.
Planning status:
The Portsmouth Plan (2012) allocated the land at Port Solent (planning policy PCS2) for approximately 500 new homes, a local centre (The Boardwalk) and 3.4 ha for marina related operations, which will feature a mixture of retained and new marina operations and employment space.
The City Council will be delivering a new 52 ha Country Park between Port Solent and Horsea Island east.
Plot size and estimated floor space provision:
Units – 500 dwellings
Marina related uses
Plot size (ha) – 3.4
Plot size (acres) 8.4
Units = 2,000 sq.m
Development considerations:
As outlined in Planning Policy PCS1 – PSC3 of the Portsmouth Plan (2012).
To accommodate this level of development the following infrastructure will be required:
- Improvements to capacity at the Port Way /A27 junction through adding an extra left hand turn at Port Way and improving signal timings
- Improvements to the access arrangements to the retained HWRC and Horsea Island Country Park
- Improved flood defences to ensure the site is defended against a 1 in 1000 year floor event
- Connect to the eastern interceptor sewer in conjunction with planned development at Tipner and Horsea Island
- Connect to the new electricity substation in conjunction with planned development at Tipner and Horsea Island
- Contribute towards the delivery of the bridge link, community and/or health facilities and increasing the capacity of nearby schools, as necessary.
In addition, any development at Port Solent will need to:
- Include measures to avoid and mitigate any adverse effect on the integrity of nearby European sites
- Include measures to avoid and mitigate the impact on the Portsmouth Harbour SSSI and the locally recognised wildlife at Horsea Island
- Include measures to deal with any arising issues of land contamination
- Improve facilities for cycling and walking linked to, and enhancing, the existing networks, including access to the Country Park
- Ensure the amenity of occupiers/users of any new development can be adequately protected from any potential noise impact from the motorway and/or the operational use of the adjoining MOD land
- Safeguard the retail and leisure uses at Port Solent and complement the designated local centre (The Boardwalk)
- Take into account, and where appropriate protect, viewpoints and the wider visual impact across Portsmouth Harbour, including the impact on Porchester Castle, and
- Provide good quality public realm and landscaping in any new development proposals including measures to reduce the impact on the more sensitive nearby nature conservation sites.
Local authority: Portsmouth City Council
Development address: Port Way, Portsmouth, PO6 4TJ
Local authority
Mark Pembleton
Economic Growth Manager
Portsmouth City Council
Business Hampshire
Andrew Lubman
Senior Regeneration and Development Officer
Hampshire County Council