
Whitehill & Bordon town centre moves forward with £4.8m EM3 funding

Wednesday August 12th, 2020

Whitehill and Bordon Aerial View, Hampshire


Delivery of the new town centre in Whitehill & Bordon, Hampshire has taken a giant step forward with the scheme awarded £4.8m of funding from Enterprise M3 Local Enterprise Partnership (EM3 LEP).


The announcement is welcomed in delivering one of the most exciting and innovative regeneration projects in the country; creating a modern, high tech and healthy new town that celebrates its local history and heritage.

The EM3 funding, which remains subject to contract, will enable the landowner, the Defence Infrastructure Organisation, and its appointed Development Manager, Whitehill & Bordon Regeneration Company, to push forward with the delivery of an indoor and outdoor market, the Makers Market, town squares and Town Park over the next eight months.

The funding will also strengthen mobile coverage across the town, providing greater mobile telephone capabilities and better internet access on the go for residents, retailers, businesses and visitors to the town.

The Whitehill & Bordon Regeneration Company is working very closely with East Hampshire District Council, Hampshire County Council, Enterprise M3 LEP, and partner Whitehill Town Council, to deliver a new town centre that offers something for everyone.

Together with the opening of a new leisure centre in November this year, the Makers Market and Town Park will be at the heart of the new town centre with a vibrant street food scene, themed outdoor markets, music, and a start-up business hub providing a large area of space for offices.

The new Town Park will wrap around the Makers Market with a terrace overlooking the landscaped park from the former Sergeants Mess. There will be a children’s play area as well as a petanque court.

Planning application has been approved for the Makers Market and work will begin in the next couple of months on its construction, with completion expected by spring 2021. An outdoor market and events in the town centre are planned for Easter next year.

Read the full story here.



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